Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Temporary Change for services/activities

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Immediate Temporary Change at Trinity Lutheran Church

UPDATE: March 16, 2020

The health and safety of our congregation is of utmost importance. Therefore , based on the latest recommendations from the CDC and Minnesota Governor’s Office, we feel that suspending all services, activities and education classes thru the month of March is necessary. We will continue to monitor this evolving situation and will continue to update everyone as time passes and we have more information to make future decisions.

If anybody needs anything, please call the office at 325-5178, and leave a message, or email Bonnie at, and she will pass the word onto the appropriate source. Otherwise contact any member of the council members or Jim.

March 14, 2020
Due to the Coronavirus Disease outbreak around the world and in the United States, the Trinity Lutheran Church Council feels we need to take action to limit the exposure of our congregation to this virus. Effective immediately, we will be implementing changes for a limited time basis.  Please know that we may need to make additional changes if the circumstances require.  We will continue to monitor recommendations by the Department of Health, our local healthcare providers and our synod.
Church services will continue as scheduled along with Sunday School and confirmation classes (UPDATE as of 3/15/2020 – with school closing – confirmation and Sunday School will be cancelled until the end of March). During this time, we are asking, and strongly encouraging, members to take the extra precautions to prevent the spread of this virus. Anyone who may be feeling ill, may have been exposed to the coronavirus or believe that there is any chance that they have been exposed, should stay home from any gatherings!  If in doubt, don’t take the chance of exposing and contaminating others. 
Some of the symptoms of the Coronavirus are:
-Runny nose
-Sore throat
-Difficulty breathing
Some of these symptoms are common with other illnesses, so if you’re experiencing any of these, please take the precautions and stay home and away from others to prevent the spread of any illness. 
Temporary changes you will see at Trinity beginning March 14, 2020:
-We will have appointed individuals greeting you at the North and South main entrances.  We are asking that you do not use any of the side entrances at this time.  These greeters will not be shaking your hands, but will be opening the doors for you. This is an effort to reduce the amount of germs shared on the door handles.  
-We will not have greeters as you enter the Sanctuary.  If you have signed up for greeting, you will not need to do this task for at least the next few weeks.
-Communion will be suspended thru the month of March
-We will not be sharing the sign of the peace
-The offering plate will not be passed around.  Instead, the offering plates will be located at the front and back of the church for you to deposit your offering on the way in or out of the sanctuary.
-We are asking people to spread out during the service. The recommendations are for individuals to be at least 6 feet apart and to limit any close contact to less than 10 minutes.  
-Coffee hour and Wednesday night lenten suppers will be suspended until further notice.
-The quilting and bible studies will be suspended until further notice.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of these changes, please contact any of the council members or Jim for direction.  We will keep you updated as we move through the coming weeks.
Trinity Lutheran Church Council